1st to 8th July 2023

A week long moth recording holiday in the Norfolk Broads targeting the areas rare and scarce species.
1st July: RSPB Strumpshaw Fen
4th July: Winterton Dunes
5th July: Gunton Meadows
6th July RSPB Sutton Fen
The focus of the trapping will be the special moths of the broad-lands and quality macro species on the wing at this time of year will include: Reed Leopard, Dentated Pug, Marsh Carpet, Scarce Vapourer, Water Ermine, Dotted Footman, Small Dotted Footman, Dotted Fan-foot, Lempke’s Gold Spot, Silver Hook, Crescent, Silky Wainscot, Southern Wainscot, Striped Wainscot, Flame Wainscot, Lyme Grass, Archer’s Dart, Sand Dart, Shore Wainscot and many, many more. We are planning to try and find Scarce Vapourer during the day but this species is very rare and is far from guaranteed. In addition, there are a plethora of rare and localised micro species that may be encountered.
The week is based in a beautiful well appointed self-catering cottage in the heart of the Norfolk Broads near Ludham Bridge. Trapping sessions have been arranged at RSPB Strumpshaw Fen, Winterton Dunes, RSPB Sutton Fen and Gunton Meadows for Marsh Carpet. Equipment is provided but moth-ers are encouraged to bring their own also. In addition to the organised sessions, guests will be free to trap nightly at the accommodation which has a rural location. Be aware that guests will need their own transport to get to and from moth-ing sessions and are free to explore the local area at leisure. The accommodation is equipped with everything required for self catering and there are several excellent pubs and restaurants in the surrounding villages.
Local birding is excellent with Bittern, Bearded Tit, Marsh Harrier and Common Crane all present. Help and advice on seeing the local birdlife will be available.
Non-avian species of interest which will probably be seen include: Swallowtail Butterfly, Norfolk Hawker, Marsh Helleborine and Fen Orchid.
Price for the week £400
Single Room £600
For full details
e-mail: mothbonkers@gmail.com
Tel: Chris 07793473017